SACD Players


New member here. I am looking to add an SACD player in order to play the DSD layer of SACD directly. Based on my research I have shortlisted PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and McIntosh MCT500.

Option 1) I currently own McIntosh MA5300 which means I can use MCT500 with supplied DIN cable connected to MA5300’s DA1

Option 2) Purchase PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and DirectStream DAC MK1 (Both discontinued)

From what I understand the memory buffering and Air Lens would make the media sound better. Whereas, I haven’t found many reviews on MCT500.

Both options would roughly cost the same. I am looking for the better sound. Which option is better? Any advice or insights would help.

Thank you,



I've been looking at SACD for a long time, wasn't sure which way to go.  For now, I've settled on the McIntosh 8950 and the MCT500.  Full disclosure, I have not heard either yet.  For me, it would make sense to use both McIntosh pieces so that you can use the proprietary connection to get full DSD.  I would also look to upgrade the DA1 to the DA2, which you can do by swapping them out on your MA5300.  When McIntosh comes out with the DA3, then you can upgrade again.  For me, that is the reason why I'm going with McIntosh.  Upgradeable DAC.


Have you thought of picking a used Sony/Pioneer bluray players from eBay and using that to extract DSF/DFF files from your SACD and then using an external DAC to play them? The initial outlay for the bluray player should be between $30-$100 depending on the condition. Then you can get a great DAC in your budget.

The only part that needs a bit of time is to understand the process of how to rip the SACDs using the bluray player. It's not that difficult.


I might catch some shade for this but Sony's top blu-ray does SACD and is a really good unit.  Maybe just check it out a bit.  Good luck!

I think if you are happy with your current MA5300 then it seems like auditioning the MCT500 makes the most sense. You didn't mention if you wanted new or used but there's a good chance a McIntosh dealer in your area can probably help get you set up with a unit to try out. 

As for upgrading your DA1 to DA2, I personally didn't notice much sound difference between them. The DA2 has some upgrades as far as features and functionality but the sound shouldn't change much if at all. So if you are happy with the DA1 just stick with that.