S. Cal. POWER ...??

Any listeners in S. California ? I just moved here, and am wondering about the power. The other day my lights were flickering - pulsating really, and I thought, what might this affect in my stereo? I never thought I would consider buying something like the $1500 Moster Cable Power generator but I am wondering now if it might help. There are times when the stereo sounds a bit brittle, but since I just moved here I don't have much frame of reference yet to make judgments.
Can anybody shed some light or offer experiences/opinion?

Showing 1 response by south_park

I live in Southern Cal. I bought a cheapie panamax that has an LED display of voltage, I noticed big voltage drops during the day but was getting regular voltage at night, even with no equip. plugged in. So yes, the power is not very good here. You might want to get a cheap filter that has a meter and watch the power levels for a week or so before making a big investment.

I got a PS audio regenerator, much better than monster IMO.