rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?

I just upgraded to an Audio Research REF 10 with 12 tubes and I am wondering how to best preserve the tubes. How long sitting turned on is equal to the wear and tear of turning it off then on again? I had a Rogue RP 7 with just four tubes so I didn't worry about this issue so much, I just turned it on when I began to listen then off at the end of the evening. Now I'm wondering where the sweet spot is? Away for a hour, two, three, turn it off when? Am I over-thinking this issue?

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

SS takes days to sound its best. Days. With tubes it is more like hours. With records there is the motor. When you hear improvement across the first side of a record, that's why. Try turning it on, spinning the platter an hour or so. There will still be some improvement, but not nearly as much, and starting from a much higher level. The difference is the motor - and controller circuits - being warmed up. 

The longer it's on the better it sounds. If you paid what you paid for your amp in order to get good sound, why would you then shoot yourself in the foot trying to save pennies on tubes?