Router for Audio Streaming

I have been streaming Pandora, Spotify and Qobuz through a wifi network streamer from a Netgear AC1750 R6400v2 router with no sound quality complaints.

Recently a router firmware update failed (a known issue with these) and as a result it is no longer accessible for administration.  It still seems to perform ok and accepts new devices however the network settings are "frozen" and I am unable to view device IP addresses or traffic, neither via desktop browser nor via the Nighthawk app.

I will try a factory reset but have read that quite often this does not work in these situations, so I started investigating getting a new router to be able to pull the trigger quickly if needed.

I heard/read that routers can make a difference in sound quality, beyond just being able to keep up with streaming with no buffering.  I'm wondering what router experience and recommendations folks have here for reliable audio streaming with superior sound quality at a reasonable price.



Showing 6 responses by antigrunge2

May I politely suggest you try it before opining? Your comment is otherwise useless

Here is a simple tweak: get some Black Ravioli footers under your router and a VPI brick on top. Use a $100 Chinese LPS. If you feel rich, get an Acoustic Revive Ethernet filter on top.

In remote areas where there aren‘t too many networks competing for bandwidth wireless can work very well without some of the vagaries of wired connections. In an urban setting, interference however tends to be too high.,What definitely doesn‘t work are mainsborne range extenders.for wifi.


in areas that aren’t densely populated @yoramguy1 is entitled to that view on a well implemented router connection. Wifi is subject to EMI/RFI And ground level noise which may well not be present in a rural setting

The Etherregen benefits more from the clock than the PSU in my experience. Both though have a meaningful impact