Rotel Turntable RP 9400 ....any opinions please

Hi... I researched this turntable, but was unable to find much info about it. 
Is it considered a good table? The cartridge is Ortofon FF15xe-mk2
Thank you
This may not help but I'll offer it.  Many years ago (late 1970s) I had to downsize my system and a trusted local dealer recommended the Rotel RP-3000 table and arm, a somewhat similar DD unit.  The arm appeared to be a copy of the SME and overall it was a good performer for the money.

Like any other component, when asking about anything used it will depend on age and condition and if any maintenance or updates have been performed?
+1 Schubert! I agree - the Grado Black is a good choice - and a lot better than the Ortofon!
Not a bad middle of the road  direct-drive turntable that weighed about 20pounds , put a cheap Grado on the straight arm and set up well will sound
good enough to keep .
That Ortofon  was decent but is 40 years  old , a new 75$ Grado Black
sounds better than most think .
"  I researched this turntable, but was unable to find much info about it."

that should tell you something .....

if you were to get it and something happens to it, are you able to get it fixed ?    are parts still available ?