Rotel Rcd-1572

Generally the Transport in the Rcd 1572 a "good" transport say with a 2K Dac
Is that a question or a statement?

The RCD-1572 is a CD player. It has a DAC built in. You do not need another DAC to play music through it
Generally they are all made of plastic and are pretty much junk! Only a very few players offer aluminum or metal in the tray and mechanics, this is why if I were purchasing a CD player to use as a transport I would pick a top loading machine and disregard the sliding tray.

Matt M
Rephrase, So the transport in the rcd 1572 isnt all that great, and Dac in 3K range would best be served by a Very good Transport
I am sorry I cannot be of much help as your lack of punctuations makes it hard for me to understand whether you are making a statement or asking a question.

The Rotel RCD-1572 is a very good CD player for the price. It has a very decent DAC built in. Yes, it can act as a transport only, digital out to an external DAC. But my guess is you have to spend more than the price of the RCD-1572 on an external DAC to get better results than the Rotel CD player alone.

Hope this helps
Is the transport on the rotel RCD1572 Holding back performance on say an 3-4K outboard dac?
Just found a review of the Rcd-1572 in Hi-Fi plus, they mentioned the Transport is worthy of running much more $$ external Dac.looks like I keep this for a whileShe is hooked to a Bryston BDA-3 which is a large refinement in the older BDA-1. Quite good!
If you go with a 2-3K$ Dac, 
get a inexpensive player to use as a transport. A nice Tascam , or any one of lots of players. Check sweet water for a nice pro CD player, 

no need for the rcd1572 if your gonna bypass the dac in it, the 1572 is a darn fine CD player, you would not need a stand alone dac with that CD player.  The rcd  1572 - is an amazing sounding player. Get the 1572 ,listen out of the box right away, then after 24 hours, ... let her play continuously for 72 hours,....then have a listening night, report back.

  Wish I could have the Rotel rcd 1572. 
I still use the Pioneer elite Dv-79avi- the best CD player I’ve ever owned, and hope I’m not jinxing myself,..
reliable, and great features. 
Would trade or sell the pioneer for the Rotel rcd1572  in a second!