Their are companies like Mondial that sell them for around $100.00, but if you search, you can get similar products for much less , try MCM Electronics for starters, type in the search , ground loop , it is a device that goes on your coaxial line between the cable coming out of the wall and your cable box. Cheater plugs are always a last resort {for saftey reasons } , however you can use one for a couple of weeks till you get a CATV ground loop isolator . The cheater plugs are ususally only 2 or 3 dollars.
Rotel RB-1080 humm
Has anyone experienced a speaker Humm with the rotel rb-1080 amp as part of their audio/video setup? I recently upgraded my amp from the rb-1070(130w/per)to the rb-1080(200 w/per), and once the system was connected I noticed a loud humming noise from both speakers. Evidently, The Humm only occurs when the video (S-video or composite) is connected? Once the video cable(tested both S-video and composite) is disconnected from the DVD to PRE amp the humm goes away. As a test, I tried a swapping Dvd players and interconnects and the problem continued. At this point, I believe the cause of the problem is with the rb-1080 amplifier, because when I re-introduced the rb-1070 amp into my setup the Humming problem went away....any ideas? Thank you
My setup:
MF AC3r pre amp
Rb-1080 amp
Rotel 971 CD player
Rotel Line conditioner
Signal cable interconnects, power cables, speaker cables
My setup:
MF AC3r pre amp
Rb-1080 amp
Rotel 971 CD player
Rotel Line conditioner
Signal cable interconnects, power cables, speaker cables
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