Rotel RB-1070 vs RB-1080

The obvious (to me anyway) difference between these two amps is that the 1070 is rated at 130 wpc and 1080 at 200 wpc.

My question is, assuming both amps are fully capable of driving my speakers, does the 1080 produce better audio or simply more more power?

Thanks folks.
Rotel 'house' sound should prevail.
The '1070 has no 4ohm rating in the book, though you can infer its output from the 8ohm 'bridged rating.
Several years ago I auditioned an RB1080 vs RB1050 (I think it was 1050, but the smallest of the lot anyway...60 W I think) and the sound difference went beyond just how loud the amps could go without clipping. The 1050 clipped at fairly low volumes with my 90 dB speakers.

I ended up getting the 1080 for sound quality (vs volume). I have not heard the 1070, though.

I hope this helps.