Roon Aquisition: Will This Help Or Hamper?


We will see.  I got the lifetime license earlier this year and its been worth every penny so far. 

2 more years and I have broken even with my lifetime membership. If someone got one recently no-one knows what will happen, but there are plenty of competitors/alternatives, so I would guess at worst they could say you just prepaid for the next 6 or 7 years, then we will remove your lifetime membership.

It certainly won't be as bad as buying a Betamax or HD DVD player. :) 

I was about to pull the trigger on a lifetime subscription.  Since the announcement of the merger, I've noticed that Roon is no longer functioning on my Sonos products.  It does still work on my main system and I love its functionality and the information is provides.  Still, the sudden Sonos glitch makes me think I'll just go with the one year subscription for now and wait and see.  

Who knows if they'll continue to offer lifetime subscriptions going forward, but not honoring lifetime subscriptions purchased pre-merger would most definitely lead to lawsuits and/or disputes being filed with credit card companies.

SiriusXM got sued a couple years ago when they tried to say that the lifetime subscriptions sold by Sirius (prior to merging with XM) only meant for the lifetime of the device the subscriber was using at the time of purchase versus the lifetime of the subscriber.  They (SiriusXM) lost. 

It’s been a couple of months since the acquisition. What are people’s thoughts so far? Obvious and not so obvious changes:

- Nucleus Titan and Nucleus One

- Interface seems a little bit snappier and responsive (at least for me)

- Requesting feedback via survey

- Tidal playlist synchronization (if I add track to a Tidal Playlist within Roon, the song is also added on the actual Tidal playlist). Unsure if this is recent, though, just something I recently stumbled upon.

- Folders for Roon playlists

- Still hoping for Roon Live Radio through ARC (fingers crossed)

Seems like there’s more positive than negative.