Roon Aquisition: Will This Help Or Hamper?


Showing 2 responses by toro3

Over in the Roon forum Danny Dulai (founder) stated the following in the second post, which can be found here:

We expected to fight hard for the existing lifetimers, but Harman was awesome and didn’t even consider not continuing to support them!

Things can always change with acquisitions - time will tell I guess. I could see lifetime subscriptions to purchase (new) coming to an end at the very least. I could also see devices needing their own one-time purchases of Roon activation for devices - like DIRAC - for both lifetimers and monthly users/payers.

Regardless, and like many others here, hoping the current lifetime subscriptions continue to be honored.

It’s been a couple of months since the acquisition. What are people’s thoughts so far? Obvious and not so obvious changes:

- Nucleus Titan and Nucleus One

- Interface seems a little bit snappier and responsive (at least for me)

- Requesting feedback via survey

- Tidal playlist synchronization (if I add track to a Tidal Playlist within Roon, the song is also added on the actual Tidal playlist). Unsure if this is recent, though, just something I recently stumbled upon.

- Folders for Roon playlists

- Still hoping for Roon Live Radio through ARC (fingers crossed)

Seems like there’s more positive than negative.