Room Treatments - Where to learn more?

Can you suggest some links to websites with practical advice on how to improve the acoustic properties of stereo listening rooms?

I'm about to do a major upgrade to my mediocre system. After reading Robert Harley's "High End Audio" Chapter 4, I gather that room treatment should be near the top of the list for areas to work on.

This is probably especially true since my room has so many hard surfaces.
Picture of my Room
Suggestions on practical ways to improve the sound of my room would be welcome. My thought for the first step is: install drapes on all those windows. The room size is 21 x 22 x 8 feet with 3 open extensions into other spaces.

What else would you suggest for me?
What has worked for you?

Showing 1 response by ncarv

Tobias suggestions are right on and two of four suggestions I would make.

At The Home Entertainment Show in NYC this year, I noticed that the rooms treated with Real Traps sounded noticeable better than other rooms. I spoke with Ethan Winer, the proprietor of Real Traps, who is very knowledgeable and helpful. I purchased some of his products and they have produced a phenomenal improvement in the sound in my room.

Also, "The Master Handbook of Acoustics," by F. Alton Everest, is the bible.