Room treatments for a lively sounding room

I recently remodelled my 10 x 15 listening room as well as the adjacent room it is open to. New paint and hardwood floors now instead of carpet. The room sounded to "shouty in the midrange".  I bought a large area rug for the room but the room was still too "lively" sounding. Tried putting a blanket on the side wall not adjacent to the open room.  Sounded much better, but unattractive. So just I installed a multi panel room treatment kit from Primacoustic last night. I was just curious what other members of this forum have used and what  room treatment experiences have worked best for them.


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

My experience as a long time apartment dweller, and now home owner, was that the GIK products I have travelled very well from place to place. The broad band soffit traps have been especially effective and beneficial.

I do think the pro calculators ask for excess treatment, but each room and space is different.  In my case with modest sized rooms they have worked really well and in fact have outlived every other piece of stereo gear.

I have six more units coming in march.  A pair of corner traps and four 4" thick bass traps to cover the bay window which is where the TV lives.  The view is to my neighbor's window so covering this up is fine.

I'll post when they are in.