Room Nucleus+ vs what for dCS

I’m considering a Roon Nucleus+ for streaming to dCS DACs. DCS says networked streaming is superior to USB on their DACs. As such, the easiest way to get content from local is a Roon Core. Is there any sonic advantage to something more expensive? The Nucleus will not be co-located with the audio rack - but will run on Ethernet and there will be no Wifi in the path. It seems like for networked listening, as long as the device can serve up the file quickly, there shouldn’t be a sonic advantage to other devices, but would certainly welcome information to the contrary. 
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Showing 4 responses by ejlif

For what it's worth the guy I bought my Rossini and clock from had used the DCS gear he sold me with a Nucleus + and had upgraded to a Nucleus like device, same idea but way more money.  He said it was a major improvement, I read reviews and it seems that they do say spending 20K on a core can yield some pretty incredible results.  I have never tried but if you have the money and are looking for the very best I think there is more than the Nucleus + as far as the best of the best goes. 
I have the Rossini DAC and Nucleus +.  I have mine going from the Nucleus + to the router and then to the DAC.  The way I understand is the Nucleus has to be hooked to the router, it doesn't do wifi.  Maybe I'm wrong here but I think you have to hook it up to the router to even use it at all.  I started with the Nucleus and then got the Rossini a few months later and then I migrated into the ethernet connection.  I sprung for the Audioquest diamond ethernet cables from nucleus to router and router to DAC.  I swear I could hear a difference when I got them but I never really did an AB vs stock cables back and forth.  The ease of use with the DCS gear is amazing, rock solid never had a glitch or a hiccup.  I had a lot of issues with slowness when I first got the Nucleus but since the latest major update it's been awesome.  I can't imagine how someone wouldn't want to have the integrated TIDAL going with the Nucleus and Roon.  Roon was a bit of a steep learning curve but now I'm totally sold. I don't want anything to do with airplay or bluetooth now that I hear the superiority of the way Roon sounds.  Everything about it is just awesome, makes sense and is a pleasure to use.  
I am curious too how the Innous interfaces with a DAC such as DCS with an ethernet input.  Do you feed DAC ethernet from Innous and Innous is fed internet from the router? In the case of the Nucleus there is only one ethernet connection so you have to connect your DAC to the router which seems like a pretty cheesy link when you are talking the level of DCS DACs.  
I can't stand Audio Visions.  I bought 10K speakers there years ago and was treated like mince meat.  How those douche's stay in business I'll never know.