Room correction room system vs ears….

So, I splashed out and spent more than I wanted to on a nice little Benchmark amp and preamp etc and since I’ve gone that far I got curious about a room correction system for this and it’s going to cost me over a grand apparently. As far as I can gather these dial in the music before it comes out of the speakers…?


im wondering if I simply messed around and found the sweet spot without a room correction system how much of a difference this would make. I’m far from savvy with audio and try to keep things simple for my simple brain, so, on a scale of 1-10 how much difference would I percieve by splashing out on a room correction system?


Showing 4 responses by soix

You could try something like this from DSpeaker on the cheap and if it doesn’t help just sell it…

The smart money says treat the room first and then do room correction if still needed.  I’d recommend GIK for reasonably-priced room treatments and good advice as well.  As far as effectiveness of RC, read reviews of the DSpeaker Anti-Mode 8033 and/or the 2.0 Dual Core to get an idea of what’s possible. 

@kota1 Interesting that you don’t appear to have any panels behind the speakers.  Can I ask why?

I assumed that rear ports were for low frequency but just found in my room the high frequencies sounded flat when I had the an absorption panel right behind the speaker. 

@kota1 I know what you mean.  I was at a high-end dealer a while back and the room had absorptive panels all around and the music just sounded dead and over damped.  Very interesting about using diffusive panels behind speakers — learn something new every day.