Room correction help

I am getting ready to start room correction.  Room is 14 x 24 x 8 ceiling,  hardwood floors.  Speakers are 9 feet apart, approx 2 1/2 ft from side walls, 28 in from front wall. Seating is 10 ft from front speakers.  This is for 2ch, ht and living room.  For esthetic purposes I was thinking of a throw rug, but I only wanted to go 7 or 8 ft long and maybe 6 ft wide. Few people said to go 10 x 8, but it would not look great esthetically.  Is this an issue.  I will be doing large side panels for first and second reflection point that have pictures,  probably james dean theme. This is my loving room and want to keep it nicely decorated.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Throw we picked out is flokati about 1 1/2 to 2 inch thick.
Thanks Pete

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Don't forget the ceiling. :)

If you can't put enough on the floor, the ceiling can compensate.
Also, check out GIK. Not only are they high value, they have art panels you can have custom screened.