Rogue ST-100 Tube Rolling

Hi Guys, Looking for a little advice from a Rogue ST-100 owner.

I recently built a pair of Troels Gravesen Faital 3WC-15, these are very high efficiency at 97db. I am very-very happy, but the volume know barely goes past 7:30 as I listen at low to moderate levels. I think this may be an opportunity.

I have rolled the inverters to telefunken smooth plates and the gain to brimars and am very happy. The rest of my gear is a Perseus Magnum preamp and Cambridge Azur 751N streamer. Like I said, I am a happy listener but like everybody else I am itching for more.

My music preferences are a lot of acoustic guitar, piano, throw in female vocals, that whole sound. Never play very hard rock, rap nor electronica.  Don't really dig classical. I am a Jazz, softer to mid rock, folk, indie listener and as stated above, low to mid listening levels.

I was looking for someone with experience with KT77's, EL34 and 6550 and what their experience was, or maybe I am missing something else. I did try the KT88's and didn't love them, the 120's sound more natural to me.

Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.




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