Rogue M-150/180 and VSA VR-2 Good match?

Any thoughts on how the Rogue M-150-/180 Mono blocks match up with Von Schweikert VR-2's?

Showing 1 response by riley804

Orelayer (Answers)


01-12-10: Cpk
go Rogue!
Cpk (Threads | Answers)

01-13-10: Dgordonl
I second the Rogue
Dgordonl (Threads | Answers)

01-13-10: Sgunther
All in favor say I. Get some tubes in your system. I just upgraded my m-150's to 180's and i am very pleased with the results and they are made in America, what a novel concept
Sgunther (System | Threads | Answers)

01-13-10: Plato
Yeah, you betcha, TUBES ROCK!!! In fact, I have a nice Cary CAD 120S tube amp for sale!

One thing is pretty certain... the Rogue tube amps will sound quite a bit different than the PS Audio amp. They will require tube rolling to achieve the best sound... And you will never actually achieve the best sound.
Plato (System | Threads | Answers

And then a few days later we see this :

Looking for suggestions for amp upgrade
I have $4000 to spend on amps(or amp) for my system. I would like to buy used. I currently have 2 PS Audio GCA 250's bi-amping Von Schweikert Vr 2's. Any suggestions would be appreciated. As noted on another thread I have been eyeing Rogue M-180's
Orelayer (Answers)


and the same question posted again today.

Why not just buy them and be done and if you dont like them , then sell them.

Members have given their opinion on the Rogue amps as well as other amps and now you need to make a decision.

But to keep posting the same question every couple of days is getting tiresome.

What is your reasoning for the delay ?