Rogue audio RP-7 versus PS Audio BHK preamplifier

I have an old Rogue Audio Super Magnum 99 tube preamplifier that I will be replacing in the not too far future. I really liked the sound of the magnum 99 except for the tube hiss. It’s not audible when playing music but still bothers me, particularly when the volume is low. It also constructs the soundstage, an effect that is evident when I connect the external DAC directly to the amplifier. 

from what I read both of these models should be a significant improvement over the magnum 99. I am wondering if anyone who have heard them both has any opinions/thoughts on how they compare.


Showing 2 responses by verdantaudio

I own the BHK,  have had only a brief exposure to the RP7 and spent a lot of time with the RP5.  I liked the RP5 a lot and in my brief exposure to the RP7, it is great.  

With the BHK, I swapped the stock tubes out  for a pair of NOS Tunsgrams (which was Mr King's preferred tube according to Kevin Deal and I believe him!) and with those tubes it is outstanding.  I found the stock tubes unpleasant.  

Which is better is a really tough call.  With stock tubes, my gut tells me the Rogue.  With the Tunsgrams, it might swing to the BHK.  Both will be an upgrade and both companies make outstanding products and have superb customer service.  

I am going to sell my BHK soon. I have since upgraded further (because I am the importer) to the Art Audio Conductor which is in a different league from a preamp perspective.   Analog volume controls, gain that is adjustable and customizable based on sensitivity of your amp, etc...  
For the BHK you want Tunsgram  PCC88s. Mine shipped with PSVane 12AU7s and was super bright.  The Tunsgrams make it perfect.