Rogue Audio and Audio Research Comparisons

   Recently I've purchased a Rogue ST-100 amp and enjoying quite a bit. My personal opinion is it punches way above its price point and in my opinion has a lot of the Audio Research sonic characteristics. Curious has anyone owned both Rogue and ARC and what are your thoughts?  I'm not referring to the current Ref series but the older such as REF110, REF150 and REF75SE.  

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Showing 7 responses by samzx12

@mulveling looks like someone has some fantastic experience with various manufacturers components.  That's what makes this hobby fun.  I'm glad you think Rogue amps are quite good.  Definitely enjoying mine and from my experience and Rogue offers a LOT of value. I agree the midrange can be a little dry at times however,  rolling in NOS tubes helps. I inserted a pair of Mullards in the 2nd slots in my Primaluna Evo 400 preamp behind the Brimars in the front slots and that helped richen things up.  

Thank you everyone very much.  My next step was to upgrade the caps however,  I came across a ARC REF75SE that had just been serviced at ARC and has new tubes and a clean bill of health.  Only had it 2 days but it's amazing so far.  I really enjoy the Rogue and I'm sure if I upgraded the caps it would have improved the amp quite a bit but I'll be selling the Rogue soon unfortunately.  

The Ref160 is no doubt a step up (or 2) however,  I'm just curious in general how much difference is it between the ARC amps I mentioned.  Wish I could afford the 160. 

I've rolled in some Amperex Bugle Boy 12AX7 and Brimar 12au7 and those tubes have definitely increased the performance of the ST-100.  While the stock JJs are decent tubes I thought they were a bit thin sounding.  

Thank you Gakerty. I did buy some CBS 12AU7 but not the medical grade you mentioned.  They are a bit pricey.  The CBS tubes just have a nice linear sound but haven't spent that much time with them yet.  Amperex 12ax7 so far are my favorites.  

I saw those Rogue Apollo's on Upscales site.  I bet they sound wonderful.  

Curious to know which caps the Dark upgrade uses? Were the caps the only upgrade performed? As far as the Dark upgrade I doubt Upscale really gave 2 poops lol.

I'm questioning "blows" it out of the water.  May be different but would like more detail please.