Rogers LS3/5A Replacement Recommendation

I am looking to replace my Rogers LS3/5A (15 ohm) speakers. My biggest complaint is lack of bass and size of sound. I was considering Proac 1SC, but not sure if it would be big enough improvement. I need to stick to monitor size speakers due to space limitations. Any recommendations would be great. Looking to spend under 1500 used.

Showing 1 response by readymix

Check out the Spendor SP3-1P. It is 2-3 times the size of the 3/5a (still relatively small), and uses a larger low frequency driver. It retains much of the 3/5a's magical midrange, yet with more extended top end and substantially deeper, and heftier, bottom end. List price is right at $1500. There is a nice review from TAS on the Spendor website. A second option is the Rogers ll ohm 3/5a with the AB 1 subwoofer. There is a used pair on Ebay just now for $895, which is a really good deal. Just remember that the newer models take a REALLY long time to run in. I hooked my 11 ohm units up to an FM receiver 24/7 for two weeks, and this yielded a nice improvement. (They were purchased used, too.) A second round made less difference, but I like them much better than when first purchased.