Roger has a lot of issues. He is very wealthy and could probably do a lot of good for a lot of people, but he’d rather rant about what other people should do from the stage while he makes even more money. It doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s life as a Rock Star.
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
My first concert in a while. Last was Sia.
Roger has a message for his audience
that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting
I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying
I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents
past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.
He is 79 and British. Has some fun stories. I can live without
the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?
Showing 4 responses by tomcy6
It always puzzles me why people like Roger always live in the countries they despise and are happy to take the money of the people of those countries. You’d think they wouldn’t want to dirty their hands with that filthy lucre. People like Roger never move to Russia or Cuba or Venezuela or China. There always seems to be a disconnect between their mouths and their actions. |
I think you’re playing dumb @hilde45. People don’t object to musicians talking about the music or telling funny stories or jokes. These "Storyteller" type concerts are popular. What people object to is being subjected to stupid and hypocritical political rants. People should be informed in ads that the rants will be a prominent feature of the show. |
Two points I'd like to make. 1. Overusing the F word and playing bad music and singing off key is not edgy or artistic. 2. The US - Europe relationship bears no resemblance to the clip from Total Recall. Does anyone think that Stalin would have stopped the Red Army at Berlin if it hadn't come face to face with the US Army? If the US Army had gone home the summer of 1945, all of Europe, including the UK, would still be part of the Soviet Union. If the US ever stopped providing security for Europe, Europe would revert to the old rivalries and Russia would expand westward. Sorry to take this further off topic, but I had to get those two opinions out.