Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ

My first concert in a while. Last was Sia. 

Roger has a message for his audience

that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting

I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying

I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents

past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.

He is 79 and British.  Has some fun stories. I can live without

the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?


Showing 7 responses by roxy54

He is unbearable to me. Period. I wouldn't make him one cent richer. He's nowhere near as brilliant as he thinks he is, and he is absolutely tasteless to come to our country and criticize our history to paying customers. How could anyone but a supreme egotist think that an audience would be interested in what he thinks? 


I completely agree with your comment concerning Jimi Hendrix. I think that things were going to go downhill shortly, and I'm so glad that I didn't have to witness that.

"I guess we're different in this regard. No one is "shoving" anything. I can listen or ignore, agree or disagree. I'm resilient that way."


That's true, but how many of us want to pay the current prices of concert tickets , with the expectation of being entertained only to spend 15% of that time listening to political hot air? You may not call it shoving, but they're a captive audience.


I agree with the idea of a warning at the time of ticket sales. It’s a good idea. I do agree with the other poster who thought that it should only apply to excessive political commentary. For instance, last year I saw a solo Rick Wakeman show in which he performed songs interspersed with amusing stories, which is what it was supposed to be, and it was great. No polarizing political commentary.

I will be seeing Graham Nash later this month, and that is supposed to be the same thing.


I understand your viewpoint, but it isn't BS that a couple of those in charge at BLM have defrauded their well-intentioned supporters out of millions of dollars funneled through shell companies.


 Glad that you have it all figured out and were kind enough to explain it to us stupid Americans.