RLD-1 Are you experienced?

I recently purchased a McCormack RLD-1 & DNA-1. My previous set up was a Musical Fidelity CD-PRE24 and Adcom GFA-555 with B&W CDM9NT's & Velodyne FSX-12. When I swapped in the RLD-1 WOW! Even with the Adcom! The DNA-1 was not quite as dramatic an improvement to my ears (good power cord should help). This makes me wonder! Could I still get a decent return on preamp investment? SMCaudio upgrade or put it in the bedroom with the Adcom and move on? Max upgade & used RLD-1 = +/- $2400 (no phono).

Some things I love about RLD-1:(from my limited perspective)

sounds more believable at a lower apparent volumes and you can push the volume pretty hard before it starts to fall apart
effortless presentation - never seems strained
soundstage/imaging quite good
bottom end extended and tighter
mids smooth and lifelike
top end good detail but not too crispy
involves me
and how 'bout that volume contol

Any thoughts?

Thanks oh so much!
Intuitively Rwwear I would have to agree with you. Now does anybody have any more thoughts about my preamp query?
One other thought that isn't necessarily responsive to your question: talk to Steve McCormack via telephone and get his thoughts on upgrade paths if you go that route. Specifically, ask him whether he recommends upgrading one device at a time or both simultaneously for best interim satisfaction. For example, would he recommend getting the platinum revision for the RLD-1 and leaving the DNA-1 in stock form (or vice versa) until you can afford to upgrade it as well, or getting the silver or gold revision to the RLD-1 and getting Revision C or B of the DNA-1 at the same time and upgrading the units together incrementally?

I'd be a little concerned that the stock form of the pre or amp would significantly limit the upgraded version of the other piece. Since I have a stock RLD-1 now with a Rev. A amp and the RLD-1 will be upgraded in a couple weeks, I'll be able to opine on that soon. Steve will have an immediate answer for you, though.
Please let me know how it goes! I just looked at your system and we may have some similiar quests. I will post my system and maybe we'll talk in that forum.

Happy Listening!