Risks in using my 2 channel speakers for 5.1

This may have been answered may times, I apologize, could not find it with a search.

Are there risks with using the same speakers for 2 channel and 5.1 channel? There would be two separate amplification systems. Banana plugs from the 2 channel, spades from the 5.1, into the same speaker terminals.

While I would not intentionally have both amps on at the same time, it could happen. Can my Meadowlark Blue Herron 2's handle that? My 2 channel amp is an Art Audio 20w Jota SET. I have not bought a 5.1 yet.

Thanks for the help.


Showing 1 response by bignerd100

Yes that would be a bad idea. It would likely damage an amplifier.

If you are using the Tom Evans Vibe as a preamp I don't think that you can do exactly what you are attempting to do.

What you will need is either a stereo preamp with "home theater pass through" or one that you can easily find unity gain on. This means that one input on the stereo preamp will be connected to the left and right channel outputs of a preamp processor (or preouts from suround sound receiver).

It looks like youhave a really nice music set-up. It may be worth while to simply do two seprate systems. HT is not that demanding and you could probably spend half of what your music rig cost and be blown away. DVD sound quality is not that good (though HD-DVD/Blu-ray should be markedly better). Your system is likely resolving enough to bring out the so-so sound quality of those DVD's.

Good luck!