RIP Touch

Just saw where the iPOD Touch is going the way of the DoDo. I am tempted to grab a piece of history for $200. I have a Qobuz subscription and suppose I could fill the thing up with 32G of offline music files for offline listing. But generally dont do that much offline stuff : Has anybody used a Touch and their music service and loaded it up with offline files? Qobuz app makes it really easyt o create offline library. If you’re offline for an extended period with the device how does the music app verify your subscription is still intact?  Does app check in the with mothership at some interval?  I would expect that would need to protect against people subscribing , filling a device and then zapping subscription. 





The point with the touch is having access to a vast library that you check out to a mobile device with the ability to quickly and simply change it then take it offline. It works with iOS, I have tested it on my iPAD and iPhone, see link. Digital out to your USB DAC of choice also works.


iphone qobuz offline library

I think for $200 you can probably get a portable player with a larger HD (perhaps with memory cards added) and a much better DAC, but if you are an Apple devotee 

then perhaps that is irrelevant.  I am skeptical that Qobuz will work because that would compete with Apple’s own streaming service