RIP Mr. Winston Ma, passed away peacefully on May 24th, 2016

See the following link and original post by Gary Koh from Genesis;


The news of Winston’s passing is immensely sad and a huge loss for his family and the audiophile community....

My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to his family and all that were close to him.

I had the fortunate opportunity to converse with Winston several times over the years and have nearly all of his recordings, many in multiple versions including from XRCD up through his UDC Gold Collector’s editions and have alway found that they are among the best, if not the best of anything on my shelves....he gave the world beautifully rendered music, laid down in as close to perfect form as is humanly possible and always looked for new and better ways to perfect his art.

RIP Winston,...your loss will be felt for years to come and your "Impression" on the audiophile world was clearly, and beautifully made.