Ribbon Tweeters and Animal Hair

I recently purchased a pair of Ascend Sierra 2-EX (with RAAL ribbon tweeter) and have been keeping the grills on in fear of issues with pet hair. I have 2 cats and a dog. 

I hate to cover up what I think is a unique looking speaker and beautiful woofer but want to keep them protected. Am I safer to keep the grills up, or is that being overly cautious? 
Thanks. My cats aren't interested in the speakers. Was more concerned about hair in the air getting into places it shouldn't. 

@baylinor I was considering moving to the towers, but might enjoy the 2-EX for the time being. No doubt the towers are louder and have the dedicated mid range, but they are an older design and I expect refresh in the next few years (hopefully with the Excel woofer and updated crossover to kill some resonances). I've been in contact with Dave F. regarding my options. If I'm not mistaken the RAAL in the tower is a 70-20 but fitted for a different face plate. 
@andrewkelley I love them. I am in trial period, and was considering moving to towers, but I might wait and upgrade later when an eventual redesign or new model comes. We shall see. 
Got to love the extreme intrusiveness of advertising these days. I’m reading these threads and along the bottom is a pop-up advertisement for sticky rollers for pet hair removal. Hardly a coincidence!