RIAA vs Columbia vs Decca

Ok, dumb question. I recently was lucky enough to purchase an ARC Ref Phono 2 SE. It has Options to select RIAA, Columbia and Decca equalization curves.

I realize that most 'modern' recording use RIAA, but when I purchase reissued, remastered pressings of old classical or jazz recordings that were on Columbia or Decca, should I use the corresponding EQ curves, or is that applicable to only the original pressings?

Showing 1 response by sampsa55


The Rek-o-kut Re-Equalizer does what you suggest, i.e., re-equalizes an already RIAA-equalized signal to another EQ curve. It could also be used in the tape loop of a preamp. But it's intended for mono LPs & 78s and sums a stereo signal to mono.