Revel F-30 versus B&W matrix 802 series III

Hello everyone out there.
I have had a pair of F30's with a C-30 center channel for about 1 year now. My system consists of all Proceed equipment (avp-s, hpa-2, amp-5, cdp) and i use it for 60% ht and 40% 2 channel music.
I used to own the 802's (not the nautilus) and I have to say, I kind of miss them. The F-30's just don't have the low end and sense of "balance" I recently purchased a pair of dm 604's and I was surpirised by how much i enjoy the sound of them (these are the old dm 604's)
I tried to fix the problem by purchasing a rel Storm III subwoofer and now there is plenty of basss but it just does not sound as pure as I remember the 802's sounding.
Any Thoughts?
I am actually thinking of selling all my revel stuff and the rel and getting a while B&W matrix series III system including 4 802's and the htm center channel.
i would not call the tweeters so much edgy as revealing
these speakers are really accurate
and placement is key
you could always turn them down a notch with the variable crossover on the back
Actually I have aquestion for you. Now that you have owned the F30's do you find the tweeter a little edgy? I have been considering the purchase of these but I found them a little too crisp in the highs. Just asking for an opinion.
The B&W matrix 801 & 802 sIII are actualy some of the last B&W speakers i realy like, if that's worth anything. So, IMO, go and buy these speakers with confidence since you already know them. Good luck and happy listening!
No you're not crazy. If that is the sound you like then get them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the B&W Matrix series. You'll probably have some money left over for other upgrades/tweeks. Get the Sound Anchor stands to go with them.

Just because the Matrix 802 is a discontinued model means nothing for speakers. In the tube world, generally speaking, the older the tube is (when manufactured), the better it sounds.. Most modern tubes sound terrible.