Resurrecting my system ... 10 years later

Hi there.

According to Audiogon feedback, it looks like I joined back in 2000. Few sites have survived so many years on the internet. Congrats to the community for keeping it a vital resource for everyone involved.

After more than 10 years of not having my system set up, I recently moved into a new home that has enough space for me to set up my system. I recently wrote up the experience and thought I would share here:

I'm posting in the amps/preamps section as the BWS gear is little known and may be of interest to some folks. It might be more appropriate to post to the digital section as the CD player mods may be of interest. I'm not sure which is best, but I figured I should choose one or the other.

Showing 1 response by 2psyop


Welcome back to the world of audio. I read your story, you seem to enjoy listening to audio in a similar fashion as myself. Nice story and nice system. Also, I helped a neighbor with setting up stereo PLAY1 Sonos speakers for his new back deck. He liked them so much, he bought two more PLAY1 speakers and a one PLAY3 for his living room. He cannot believe the user friendly setup using his smartphone and the great sound. See my review here:
Anyway welcome.... have fun.