Thank you for your response. Your reference to the diminished highs on the Totem speakers with the McIntosh are spot on. Joseph
Request opinions on Totem speaker / McIntosh amplifier compatibility.
Greetings, I have a set of Totem Model One Signature speakers that I have loved for over twenty years. I have run them with a NAD C375BEE and an Anthem Integrated 2 each of them about 150 watts per side. I have been seeking a (used) Plinius, Naim or McIntosh, particularly a McIntosh MA5300. Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated, I owned a McIntosh MC2200 years ago and it is the one piece of equipment that I regret selling and the MA5300 at 160 wpc @ 4 ohms is high on my list. Thank you............Joseph
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