Replacing TT with CD

I am considering replacing my WTT&A with a single box CD player. Listen to mainly classical and jazz through tubes (CJ). I would appreciate any comments from those who have made same conversion and if happy or unhappy with decision. And lastly which CD player would you recommend.

Showing 2 responses by rcprince

Well-Tempered Turntable & arm, I'd guess. What is it about the turntable that makes you want to give it up, or is it the desire to get new recordings of current artists? Reason I ask is that usually I'm recommending the Well-Tempered to folks tired of CD and wanting to get into analog!
cfb, i'm a little confused too, as if anything my WTT (original) was rather lightweight, and it certainly beat any CDP of the time (early 90s) in terms of involvement. The lightweight sound was why I sold it and got my Basis. Maybe a function of the cartridge (I had a Monster AG1000)?

For Saihcc, I think Jimbo's advice is pretty good--unless you're willing to spend a lot of money. Another resonably priced (used), good sounding CDP you could consider is the Audiomecca Keopps, or the YBA. Given what you can get for the WTT (assuming you have an original or the WTT Record Player), you might want to keep it even if you get a CDP. One last possibility is to get a new TT/arm, although if you have a WTT Reference I'd think you'd have a hard time beating it.