Replacement for KSA-50

Hi Amp Gurus,
I have a KSA-50 that is 10 years old that has blown one channel. I use it to drive Thiel 3.5. Is it worthwhile repairing the channel or buying an used amp for less than $1000. Please let me know if there are any good options that provide the same quality as KSA-50.

Thanks for all your thoughtful comments. I am going to get it repaired. Speaker wires got shorted by accident. This caused one of the channels to stop working. Are there people in the DC area that can repair this amp without needing it to be sent to the factory. If the best option is to send it to the factory, I will do it. Please let me know.

Thanks again,
Perhaps you blew a fuse? Did you look inside for a blown fuse? Did your amp smoke, smell, etc... When this happened?
It is one of the 10 best amplifiers ever made and certainly the best Krell ever manufactured. I don't own Krell products as I have very well regarded tube amplifiers. However I am familiar with this amplifier.
Send it back to Krell and they will bring it up to new status and will also replace some worn passive parts on both channels and you will have an amplifier good for another 20 to 25 years
Yes, the Krell is great amp, but... those Theils wouldn't mind some more power, and FWIW, I never much cared for fans on amps.
I agree that sending the unit to Krell is probably the way to go. I noticed an ad for Krell MDA 500s that mentioned servicing by a company in Bridgeport, CT called The Service Department, a possible alternative, though I don't have any experience with them. Do check to make sure you haven't just blown a fuse, though.

While Unsound is probably right based on his longer experience with the 3.5s, I'll note that I did use a Krell KSA 50 Mk II for my Thiel CS3s for a while (till I sold them to get Duntechs) and in my moderate sized room (20 by 18 feet) it drove the Thiels with no strain. It's a lot more powerful than its power rating would imply.

By the way, I (and I think most of people who posted) am assuming that you are talking about the original KSA 50, and not the later KSA 50s. Is that assumprion correct?