Replace my DAC or not?

Hi folks--

Be kind to me, I've been out of the digital loop much too long.  I have recently started up listening again after I moved to my new home.  I now have space for listening my set up.  So, here's my question:  I am considering a new CD Transport (PS Audio or MCT450), but now have thought about whether my DAC needs an upgrade, too.  My DAC is a dCS Delius, which I bought new almost 20 years ago.  Nothing wrong with it, just don't know if I am listening to a Dinosaur compared with what is out there.  I would very much want to limit my upgrade to a new Transport only and not have to shell out $6k or more for a new Transport.  

Thank you for listening.  

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

mbiondo -

I was also a fan of a vintage Theta Casanova, which for a while held it's own. Something changed over the past 5 years, specifically with the perfomance of RedBook sources.

That is where I think the real delta between vintage and modern DAC's lies. Vintage DACs for the most part (obviously I'm generalizing!) needed hi rez sources to sound good. That's not the case with a lot of new DAC's. In this I include Mytek and Schiit.

Not sure if this is related to better clocks and de-jitter technology of what, but it's really a wonder to listen to.
