Renewed Appreciation

In these days of isolation and spending days at home, I am so thankful for a good audio system (KEF Reference 5 speakers, Krell 175 xi amp, Audio Research preamp and phono stage, Innuous Zenith 3, PS Audio dac, dedicated 20 amp line installed just before the lockdown , Rega Planar 6/Dynavector. I especially like the woody sound of string instruments like the cello when it sounds in your face on the KEF speakers which to me are musical instruments  I spend many hours listening to Bach (JS), Haydn (FJ) and others.  The Bach sonatas for solo cello are my favorite.  There are over 30 performances available on Tidal and Qobuz, some by famous cellists and some by relative unknowns.  It’s fun and relaxing to compare the performances and sound quality.  Others my get the same enjoyment from different kinds of music. One result of these crazy events may be a new appreciation for things we used to take for granted. Certainly true for me. Thanks for your indulgence. 
There's some irony in that because I never go out, so staying in listening presents no change of habit.
Always a silver lining. More time to tweak. Been inside my speakers three times in the last two months, under the house four times, and lost count how many times I've opened the panel up for improvements. The payoff is the system sounds so good my wife asks if we can listen to music tonight. Classical music, always something I have sort of liked but not a lot, is now with TC and Mats and more elevated to where we both agree it sounds better than the times we went to the Seattle Symphony at Benaroya. 

I paid so little attention to classical that I had Claire de Lune for many years but only recently realized the two Tschaikovsky are my favorites. My wife too. No wonder, she is Russian!