Rel R-505 work with a Pass Labs X350.5

Some powered subwoofers require an audio signal ground reference and their makers may suggest that a black speaker terminal is where this voltage reference might be found. On complementary designs, which would be typical of all power amps produced by Pass Laborato- riesTM, this is an incorrect and unsafe assumption. On all Pass Labo- My present amp is a Mcintosh 402 Magnepan 3.7

Showing 1 response by magfan

It would seem that any magnepan speaker with a fuse and a seperate hipass / lopass crossover WILL be biamp able. Even if you must DIY.
My panels, the 1.6 has a lo pass for the bass and hi pass for mid/tweet. So, even if their were only a single set of terminals, It's still likely that anyone with a little DIY in 'em would be able to make the necessary changes.

The 'simple' test for common ground amp would be to turn off and unplug. Let it sit for an hour, just for safety to discharge any of the big caps. Check speaker ground to ground with an ohm meter. Should be zero from both speaker grounds.

I'd be careful with ANY amp these days.