Reinstalling Windows after I converted a computer to ROON ROCK

I havvee a NUC I7 that I converted to Roon Rock and no longer need it since my Core is on my Grimm.  I did a search to find how to convert back to windows and didn't find anything.

Anybody know how to do this?

thanks in advance,



Showing 3 responses by carlsbad2

Thanks for the detaled instructions.  Headed  to the gym now.  will report back results later today. 



Looks like the disk was partitioned by Roon.  I'm getting an error.  "The selected disk has an MBR partition table.  On EFI systems, the operating system can only be installed on GPT disks."

The disk currently shows 3 small partitions called Disk 0 partition 1, 2, and 3, which I think is where ROCK is installed.  

It also has Disk 0, unallocated space which is 450 GB which is probably what I need to partition.  but setup doesn't do this for me. 

Sorry for my lack of knowledge here.



Thanks for your help.  I got it done.  Once I got it going I had to reinstall all my apps, set up email, etc and then I had no sound because the driver didn't install correctly.  So it took me a while, but now everything is working great.  I'm using this computer to work from my listening chair using a wireless keyboard and mouse and my big screen TV as the monitor.  Very handy for looking up things that cross my mind while listening.  I was tending to spend a lot of time with a laptop in my lap while listening but that is bad for my spine to keep my head down so much and the laptop often gets warm on the legs.  The keyboard is much more comfortable.
