Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 or Mk 2 deep bass ability

Can anyone provide details of their actual listoning experience/impressions on how well the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 and/or Mk 2 performed in the low/deep bass region. Can this DA perform as well (or better) than the top-end Theta's, Wadia's, Krell's, EMC, etc. Also, how well does the Zanden DA perform in the low/deep bass regions/registers. Obviously I consider Deep, accurate, bass important when listoning to rock/pop/orchestra. I found Wadia/Theta to be quite good, the BAT VKD5 to be good but not great. Currently using Martin Logan monolith speakers and in the process of adding a Talon ROC (1000 watt version) sub-woofer. Feedback/impressions on deep bass performance for Reimyo / Zanden , even meitner, Meridian, Spectral would be greatly appreciated. Also, what is the difference in sound between the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk1 and Mk2?

Read this if you have not done so...

i'm also interested in the DAP777..........
Kenlit, I recently posted an overall perspective on reference DACS that contains some of the information that you are seeking in your thread. The bottom end of the Reimyo is quite good but I think is bettered by both the new Accustic Arts DAC-1 and the Ensemble HI-DAC. The Ensemble has an overall different sound than the Accustic Arts and Reimyo, I discuss this with good detail in my post, but its bottom end/PRAT is possibly as good as it gets, if you like its overall sonic "flavor". Hope this helps.
I just conducted a back to back comparison of the Reimyo DAP 777 MK2 to the Accustic Arts. I felt the bass was comparable in both DACS but the midrange and highs were much better in the Reimyo. IMO the Reimyo does not lack for bass depth, weight or body. I'm using it with a Sony Carousel/Escient driven transport and I believe it would give many of the top single player units a run for their money. It's an amazing DAC. I can only imagine what would happen if it was fed from a top notch transport!!
Hi Twopippis,

you have a great setup!

would you mind sharing more on the sound characteristics of the DAP-777?

like it is forward, lean or fatigue sounding or otherwise...

many thanks..
Twopippis, I find your comment that the "Reimyo was much better in the highs/midrange then the Accustic Arts" very interesting. I found them to be very similar with the Accustic Arts DAC slightly more extended and "airy" on the top then the Reimyo. I would appreciate if you would share more specificly what you heard that lead to your opinion regarding the two DACS. I'll thank you in advance.
I must first apologize for not thanking Pingpong and Teajay sooner for their responses to my question on the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 and Mk 2. I read Pingpong's web link to Ultraaudio review on the Reimyo with great interest. I really, really, appreciate the fantastic efforts Teajay is putting into reviewing digital front-ends... most helpful. I contacted the distributor for Accustic Arts to find some dealers in Canada (Toronto / Ottawa) and have confirmed that several people are impressed with the Accustic Arts DAC 1 Mk 3. In doing so, I found one dealer who is selling a lot of Accustic Arts transports, which are in turn being used with other manufacturer's DAs. This would seem to indicate that the Accustic Arts transport is highly regarded. For Teajay, did you use your Ensemble transport with the Accustic Arts DA? Or did you switch both your Ensemble Transport and Ensemble DA for the Accustic Arts Trnsport/DA? Also, one of the dealers for Accustic Arts... maintains that the Wadia 27ix (he sells both product lines) is better than the Accustic Arts DAC 1 Mk 3 (albeit the Wadia 27ix is considerably more expensive) and the best DA period. He felt the Accustic Arts was at 90% of the Wadia, which given the price difference, he said this was an impressive achievement for the Accustic Arts Transport/DAC 1 Mk 3 combo. Does anyone have any comments regarding the Wadia 27ix DA, and have you (Tejay) had an opportunity to liston to the Wadia 27ix... and compare with Accustic Arts. If yes, what was your observations. Also, what does PRAT mean. Thank you, Ken
Ken, thanks for your appreciation for my efforts regarding different reference DACS. To answer your questions: 1)I have never had the chance to seriously audtion any Wadia gear, I have heard different Wadia pieces in store/friends systems, but never was impressed enough to want to do a home audtion, however the brand has many fans and they seem to be very loyal towards what it has to sonicly offer. Much has been said about what after market mods can do on Wadia gear. If you trust your dealer's statement about the 90% of the performance for a lot less $ and he considers the Wadia27ixDA the "BEST", we both know you will have to use your own ear's in your system to really know what's the best for you. 2) My audtioning of the Accustic Arts DAC was done with my Ensemble transport and not with an Accustic Arts. They are both great transports and match up great with many different DACS. However, the Accustic Arts might be better value because even though both transports are wonderfully built and sonicly are very close the Ensemble retails for almost $3000.00 more then the Accustic Arts. 3) PRAT stands for pace,rhythm, and timing when discussing the sound of different gear or the overall sound of a system. Hope this helps.
the New Accustic arts dac mk-3 is currently the only 32/384 dac , that has thunder for a bottom end and more detail in a solid state dac with finesse to go with it .
check this out I bought this with their transport and
I am still hearing old recordings like never before /
I feel obligated to inform you guys of one of the best values in all the Hiend audio industry.
Hello this is for Twopippis did he hear the Accustic arts with the same transport he has in his system ?
Also was it the mk-3 dac ? for that in itself would make a huge difference . I just purchased a new Accustic Arts,
dacMK-3 and transport. After hearing and testing several units inclding you latest with the Accustic Arts transport.
At the extremes the AA is clearly more detailed ,
and the bass has more punch . One thing also to remember if you had a different digital cable ,or power cord that would for sure change the perspective.
Think about buying a 777; there a several in the sales area. Does anybody know if the PS will work in a 230V european system? many thanks, Marco