Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 or Mk 2 deep bass ability

Can anyone provide details of their actual listoning experience/impressions on how well the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 and/or Mk 2 performed in the low/deep bass region. Can this DA perform as well (or better) than the top-end Theta's, Wadia's, Krell's, EMC, etc. Also, how well does the Zanden DA perform in the low/deep bass regions/registers. Obviously I consider Deep, accurate, bass important when listoning to rock/pop/orchestra. I found Wadia/Theta to be quite good, the BAT VKD5 to be good but not great. Currently using Martin Logan monolith speakers and in the process of adding a Talon ROC (1000 watt version) sub-woofer. Feedback/impressions on deep bass performance for Reimyo / Zanden , even meitner, Meridian, Spectral would be greatly appreciated. Also, what is the difference in sound between the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk1 and Mk2?

Showing 1 response by heradot

Think about buying a 777; there a several in the sales area. Does anybody know if the PS will work in a 230V european system? many thanks, Marco