Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 or Mk 2 deep bass ability

Can anyone provide details of their actual listoning experience/impressions on how well the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk 1 and/or Mk 2 performed in the low/deep bass region. Can this DA perform as well (or better) than the top-end Theta's, Wadia's, Krell's, EMC, etc. Also, how well does the Zanden DA perform in the low/deep bass regions/registers. Obviously I consider Deep, accurate, bass important when listoning to rock/pop/orchestra. I found Wadia/Theta to be quite good, the BAT VKD5 to be good but not great. Currently using Martin Logan monolith speakers and in the process of adding a Talon ROC (1000 watt version) sub-woofer. Feedback/impressions on deep bass performance for Reimyo / Zanden , even meitner, Meridian, Spectral would be greatly appreciated. Also, what is the difference in sound between the Reimyo DAP 777 Mk1 and Mk2?

Showing 2 responses by pjl2122

the New Accustic arts dac mk-3 is currently the only 32/384 dac , that has thunder for a bottom end and more detail in a solid state dac with finesse to go with it .
check this out I bought this with their transport and
I am still hearing old recordings like never before /
I feel obligated to inform you guys of one of the best values in all the Hiend audio industry.
Hello this is for Twopippis did he hear the Accustic arts with the same transport he has in his system ?
Also was it the mk-3 dac ? for that in itself would make a huge difference . I just purchased a new Accustic Arts,
dacMK-3 and transport. After hearing and testing several units inclding you latest with the Accustic Arts transport.
At the extremes the AA is clearly more detailed ,
and the bass has more punch . One thing also to remember if you had a different digital cable ,or power cord that would for sure change the perspective.