Hi I have a Rega w/RB-301 and I use a JA Mitchel Record Clamp, it has a burled aluminum knob and is very light, you just push down a little and it grabs the spindle (I have an upgraded groovetracer subplatter, it has a longer spindle) Pucks just sit on the record and ive found them to be worthless. I love my JA Mitchell record clamp and I use it without a mat directly on a acrylic platter (groovetracer)with no worries about scratching anything.JA Mitchel makes a REGA version for the stock spindle to! I paid around $60. hope this helps it sure made all my vinyl sound like 200+ gram records! All of them. Also I recommend Gruve Glide treatment and Wet washing used dirty records with a spin clean record washer. I love spinning vinyl.
Matt M
Matt M