Rega owners

RP1 plus performance upgrades or RP3? I want to spend around $6-7 hundred but might be willing to go up to the RP3 if it is worth it. Thanks

Just me little bit here, I have a Planar 3 with the Ely's 2 cart.

Went into the shop to buy a new cart for another deck, ended up hearing the Planar1/2/3 whilst there and then got a good deal on the 3. For me the 3 was the best for what I am going to have and do.

I am never going to have the expensive stuff due to the costs so settled for some that will help to kerb and upgrading that I normally do. I have to say it has, comes with some good features that the others don't with this being the newer model is well spec'd compared to the other same name models.

Best is if you can hear them play, some times the lower end is great before finding that balance before big money is doesn't and only small gains
I have owned the new Rega RP6 MM for nine months and am over the moon with it. However, one small one- somehow two styli have been bent
in this time and have had to be replaced at some cost...
I cannot get on with the plastic protective cover and am nervous about having to replace any further Exact cartridges. That said, I have decided to go for a different make of cartridge- probably a Goldring 1042. Is the Goldring suitable for the RP6? I don't think that I need to buy anything else ie spacers. I also understand that the 1042 can be tricky to fit- would it be reasonable to ask for my original Rega supplier to help fit? I just fancy a cartridge where I can replace the stylus. Any advice would be v much appreciated...
I have a REGA RP3 with a custom aluminum 3mm shim from Groove Tracer. Also, bought the reference sub platter, Acrylic platter and a Mapleshade vibration kit.Also, the upgraded Rega belt. Everyone of these upgrades elevated the table a lot. The RP3 is now super dead quiet and spins effortlessly on the sapphire and Cz bearing. I can now use a record clamp! It makes a world of difference, (JA Mitchel). The best cartridge match I can find for the RB301 is the Dynavector 10X5. This combo works best ...Full dynamics,bass,highs are sweet and effortless, midrange is full and rich with detail and accuracy. I could go on for a while....Total money spent on this Rega RP3 is $2000, with Cartridge! All I know is I would have to jump up to a 5k rig to get better sound. Now that's value!
RP3 in a heartbeat Wildoats,

There is little upgradeable path with the RP1. However, there is almost infinite upgradeable path with the RP3. The RP3 is (IMHO) in a league of its own. Fast, detailed, superb dynamics, taut bass, with uncanny PRaT!

The new tech is simply superb. Comparable to P7 standards.

No brainier.
Wildoats-If your a DIY guy and don't mind vintage gear you have many options. If you want a new table the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon($399)appears to be the best value in new budget tables. I have not heard Carbon Debut but have heard other lower cost Pro-Ject tables and they offer alot of value. The Rega RP3($895) in stock form is not a great value. After all the RP3 upgrades you would be better off getting a used P7 which would still outperform the maxed out RP3.
Thanks. Right now I'm just trying to upgrade from a 1960's / 70's era Phillips that I got for $50 bucks. It actually doesn't sound too bad. The main reason for my question is whether A Rega 1 or 3 would be a substantial step up from where I am now? I'm not really a fast upgrader and feel my system is pretty good now, but think a modest phono upgrade is in order. I have a Odyssey Stratus extreme plus amp, Lazurus tube pre-amp, and Nestorovic 5AS speakers.
I started with the P5/Exact, moved up to the P7/Dynavector DV20H and finally to the P9/Lyra Delos. Dayglow has it right - start as high up the line as you can so you will not feel the need to upgrade too soon.
I'm a Rega P9 owner and have heard/demoed many Rega decks. IMO the P7 is the gateway to true high-end sound in regards to Rega tables. I have not demoed the current RP6 so I can't tell you how it compares to the P7. My best advice is wait until you can find a mint P7($1500?). This option will let you survive several cartridge/electronics/speaker upgrades. There will always be demand for the better Rega tables P9/7 RP10/8, so good resale value will always remain intact.