Referent point

Look if we are going to get anywhere in this discussion on speakers,,,we've been at here now going on 20years +, We need to figure out how we are going to go forward into this 21st C, which now is 21 yrs and going.
Time to establsih some sort of reference posit, a  speaker that we  can all agree on which is neutral, efficient and worthy to be considered true high fidelity, Last qualification, is that any amp can drive the Speaker, From  Jadis JA 800 monos blaocsk a  4 chassis 800 lb amplifier to a  1 watt SET amp.
Sure I realize this is asking for the impossible, 
'But really its not.
There is such speakers.
These would be the wide bands.
You know the Fostex/Lowther you atried back in the day and found less than high fidelity.
Well we should not throw the babt out with the  bath water.
The wide bands were developed in Berlin and Chicago back in the 1920;s. and IMHO are the finest design in any speaker (exception are the horns).
We can not make the big horns as reference, as few of us here can afford the big guys, + many other issues which make  horns not a  practical reference point.\
The only speaker i know that can fill the parameters to be designated as The Reference Point, as wide bands.
All speakers  must be judged next to a  high tech wide band.
Wide bands will expose the glares and flaws in your speaker, which are completely hidden from your ears at the moment.
I mean if we are all seeking true high fidelity  its high time to face the facts of 
1) bigger is not better
2) throwing money at a  speaker will result in great sound
3) thinking outside the box is  the creative approach to discovering high fidelity.
4) a  lab name means nothing when heard next to a  high tech wide band.(We can lay this blame at Sterophiles feet)


Showing 4 responses by millercarbon

One day at work boss says You’re going to the Mariner’s game tonight. The company had season tickets they would give away as spiffs usually the owner or a VP or something would go with whoever but this night they were all busy. But I don’t like baseball. Too bad, you’re going!

So I tell the guy look baseball is so boring, the King Beers are expensive (it was the King Dome back then), we need to start drinking heavily. We meet at this pub across the street and quaff until the last second. Okay, let’s go. I have no idea where we are going.

Turns out the company bought tickets right behind home plate. You can not get any closer. No sooner do we sit down than this new guy Ken Griffey Jr steps up. First pitch, CRACK!!!!! SIZZLE!!!!! LINE DRIVE HOME RUN!!!

Okay that was pretty cool. Maybe baseball not so boring after all. Nine boring innings later.... nevermind, had it right to begin with.

Until 20 some odd years later Letterman is interviewing the now famous Ken Griffey Jr asking what was it like first time at bat in the Majors. Griffey says, "Well my first at-bat I hit a homer, so pretty good." And it was only then I realized I had seen that first at-bat.

It was not until another 20 years had gone by that I bought my first home run speakers, Tekton Moab. And with that he executes the perfect, indeed one might say reference level, off topic post save.
This guy like millercarnon mini me. All these post about what best and no idea how to see different in people goal.

All your post are belong to us.