Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.
Teajay, I have that TAS(electronic subsrciption) and Mr.Cordesman review is excellent(better IMO then also excellent review of Evolution's in HifiNews by M.Colloms) and I expect same kind of style when he will review Krell LAT-1000 in few issues(I allready know that he liked them a lot!)...
Mr.Cordesman is one of my favorite reviewers and I like his writing very much.
What do you think about article about new digital formats?
Branimir, have you seen the latest issue of the Absolute Sound? It has a feature article on your Krell Evolution gear by Anthony H. Cordesman. I thought you might find it interesting to compare your experience with these pieces, I know you think they are terrific, and Codesman's take on them. I take all reviewers with a grain of salt, however I find Cordesman to have the most sane and objective opinions compared to most other reviewers in the high end written press. He thinks the Krell pieces are outstanding in many ways, with no real downside, except possibly cost. But, and this I way I respect him, he does not cop-out saying they are one of the best, but explains with great intelligence that their is no one "BEST".
Henrykh, dCS,EMMLabs and Lindemann are only digital gear(so far?) that do not convert SACD signal to PCM for SACD playback. Audio Aero, Esoteric and some others convert SACD signal(digitally) into PCM for SACD playback.
Why?? Well, there is no simple answer but, my friend from Japan said in his email to me that reason is best possible RBCD playback. Designers at those companies(AA,Esoteric etc.) belive that it is possible to achive best sound in RBCDP only if complete digital part is done in PCM. Who is right or wrong?? Nobody!! EMMLabs gear(and dCS) is designed with SACD in the mind of their designers as a prime digital format... Now, we all know that SACD is not successor of RBCD! Interesting thing is that all these gear(Audio Aero,Esoteric,EMMLabs and dCS) sound excellent with RBCDs(and SACDs). And let me tell you one other thing... Few months ago I had a chance to audition prototype of CD/DVD-A music player only in similar system to my(No.1) against EMMLabs combo. End result? DVD-A player wiped out the floor with EMMLabs gear!!! To my biggest suprise!!
But, since DVD-A is dead this player will never go into the production. It only will exist as 'techo freak showpiece' about potential of DVD-A...
Now, lets go back to RBCDP!
I am not a tech freak but I do find it somewhat ironical for those players that convert DSD signals back to PCM for SACDs...ummm then why SACDs in the first place? Kind of destroys the purpose, no? AA, Esoteric gear all do that...Meitner, dCS don't.
Exlibris, the other pre-amp that I thought was another great sounding unit was the Chapter Audio linestage. It to offered all the virtues we are looking for, dynamics/clarity/dynamics/natural timbres, along with a very smooth and warm sounding overall sonic signature. I just found, in my system, that the Placette offered a more "natural/easy" sense that was more like real music for me. It is extremely detailed with a terrific soundstage with the most accurate high end I have ever heard, but never sounds etched/aggressive in its presentation. Could I have easily lived with the other two pre-amps, yes, I just liked the Placette better in a few ways that are important factors for me. I did not by it because of cost considerations, but do believe its one of the great bargains of the high-end audio world, at its price of $4500.00. It replaced my ML-32, that cost me almost $10000.00 more, but could not compare with the sonics of the Placette.
I believe he was using the Wyetech Topaz amp (or monoblocks?). I can't remember the name of the speakers. His stuff is always changing because he is a reviewer.

What preamp finished number 2 after your auditions?
I agree with you regarding the Opal: dynamic, detailed, transparent and not "tubby" sounding at all. I would add that it gives an incredible amount contol/grip over the system and that it has great bass extension. Soundstaging and layering were similar to the preamp section of the DCC2 that I was using.
I heard it when my system was very different. I hope to get it back in for an audition in the new year.
Exlibris, sorry to hear that it just, "was not in the cards" to get the cable in time before having to return the Accustic Arts gear. I was looking forward to what your opinion was going to be regarding the combination in your system, but as you said maybe it will happen sometime in January. When I was going through an extensive audition process of pre-amps, it included four Solid State and three Tube units, the Wyetech Labs Opal linestage was one of them. I thought this mauve, or is it purple, well built linestage was one of the three best that I heard. I finally selected a Placette dual mono active linestage for my system. I would be interested in what your opinion is regarding the sonics of the Opal, I found it quite dynamic, detailed, transparent and not "tubby" sounding at all. It also produced a large open soundstage with very good layering of the players. What is the rest of the gear in your friend's system? I will thank you in advance for your response.
I look forward to your review of the EMM gear.

Some bad news: the Sextet cable has yet to arrive and I have to give the AA DAC back to the owner this evening. There is a good chance that I can get the AA gear and the Sextet together in my system after CES. I will be sure to post my impressions if I do.
Exlibris, I did audition EMMLabs DCC2/CDSD only at dealers but, after CES I will have it and Esoteric D-01/P-01/G-0s combo in both of my systems for at least two weeks...
In spring Esoteric will also have 'smaller' D-03/P-03/G-0s combo as well and there will be some other interesting digital gear that I want to audition...
Audio Aero Prestige SACD is very good #2 flavor player but, currently I want best possible #1 flavor digital gear for my system No.1! Maybe new Krell Evolution Three will be a good candidate...
I took my gear to a friend's house and we listened to both front ends through a Wyetech Labs 'Opal' linestage.
Have you ever had the EMM DCC2/CDSD in your system and compared it to your Weiss combo (or the Esoteric)?
Exlibris, your description of RBCD sound of Prestige SACD is allmost the same as mine. But, to my ears it felt short in bass power(and tightness), midrange coherence and details in highs compared to ARC REF CD7.
Were you using Prestige SACD directly(with its internal pre) or with HP200?
Exlibris, because the way you hear/describe the sonics of different gear in your system, I mean't that as a compliment, I will be shocked if you are not shocked what will happen when you put the Stealth Sextet in your system. I was quite content with my digital front end when using the Artistic Arts Vacuum reference digital cable, but my entire system went to another level with the Sextet. Please, if it turns out you think I'm totally magnifying out of proportion what this cable does or you think I must have "magical hearing dust"in my ear's regarding the Sextet, please be brutally honest in your feedback and bring me back to my senses. That's how much better I think the AA gear will sound in your system with the Sextet. Not just a quantitative improvement but a qualitative shift towards the sound of real music. Or, I'm just full of you know what and exaggerating sky high slight differences, so I'm very interested what your experience will be.
I liked the Prestige better than my set-up on Redbook. The separation of images was better and the images were more real. My gear was thinner and more two-dimensional.

I liked my set-up better than the Prestige on SACD for the exact same reasons.
Exlibris, I agree with Teajay on Reimyo DAP-777MkII. So, you compared Audio Aero Prestige SACD against your DCC2?
Your findings? I have Prestige SACD for two weeks now and do not know what to do... To buy it or not for my office system? IMO it is not as good as ARC REF CD7(and definitely not in the same class as Weiss or Esoteric combos) and to me at least it is not the most user friendly piece of gear.
Thanks. The Stealth cable has not arrived yet. Hopefully it will be there when I get home from work.
The AA is sounding much better. As it is, I could live with either my set-up or the AA. Your characterization of the AA is accurate.

The AA is:
-more relaxed
-has slightly better 'action,' in that in projects into the room better.
-is slightly more organic and balanced
x-a little veiled
x-'thin' sounding

The EMM (without CDSD) is:
-more transparent
-has better body, density, weight, three-dimensionality
-a slightly deeper soundstage
x-a little aggressive
x-still a little thin (in comparison with the Audio Aero Prestige on Redbook)

I'm looking for something beyond what either front end is giving me right now. I may find that by using the Stealth cable with the AA. I may find that by upgrading to the CDSD. I may have to go with something completely different.
Exlibris, I auditioned the Reimyo DAP-777 when my reference was still the Ensemble Hi-DAC and found it quite musical with relatively good details, but lacked the extension on the top and bottom, precise placement of players in the soundstage, and prat of the Ensemble DAC. That's when I next auditioned the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 and found it had the virtues of my Ensemble piece plus a more "analog/organic" quality in its over all sonic signature. So, my hunch would be if you don't end up liking the AA gear, the Reimyo might not be the flavor you would be looking for. It's definitively a type #2 DAC without the dynamics/extension of the Accustic Arts DAC in my opinion. Did you get the Stealth Sextet cable yet? How's the AA gear sounding to your ear's now?
Has anyone heard the new Reimyo DAP-777 (mkII)? If so, how does its presentation differ from the old model?
Here is a nice review of it:
Wow! Already there are audio diehards upgrading the CD Duplicator. I love it. By some time next year I will throw in the towel and just leave well enough alone for a few years as was the case back in the mid 80s into the early 90s.

As for the AA Cap and the Reimyo, Art has posted some comments on A'gon indicating as wonderful as the AA is, the Reimyo is quite a step up in performance.

Thank you.
I haven't heard the two side by side but I would have thought that the AA Cap II would have been pretty much on par with the Reimyo and that significant difference in price could not be justified. Interesting.
Yes, the CD duplicator is very good. I've had a technician take out the switching power supply on mine and replace it with, what is essentially, two linear supplies: one outboard and one in the unit. The improvement was greater than I could have hoped for. I posted my findings in the "How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?" thread.
Exlibris: I have had the Manley Ref DAC for several years and for a long time, it was not at all close to the weakest link in my system. But this last year I have changed from a BAT 31SE to Callisto Sig, Wolcott Presence to CAT JL-3, Magnepan 3.5 to Soundlab A1, NBS Statement to almost all Purist Dominus and the addition of an Audio Magic Eclipse II PLC which was the biggest improvement of all. This is an insane amount of changes for me as I typically only have done one such change in the same period of time.

My system is heavy on tubes and the sound has been too much on the warm side mainly due to the Aesthetix Io, Manley DAC and NBS cables. But the Purist cables alone have brought me closer to "center". So I find I like the Manley even more now that I have a greater bass foundation and clarity with the Purist. In other words, even though I know the Manley is more grainy, less resolving, fatter in the mids, lean in the bass, softer on the top, etc., compared to today's new models, the Manley portrays music that for me at least brings on a level of involvement that will not be easy to give up.

Artg brought over his Audio Aero Cap II a few months ago and it clearly was a more refined unit, but it did not take the music to the "next level" that would give me an itch to change. But my system did not have the PLC then and so the AA Cap may have widened the gap with further resolution coming through. Art has since changed to the Reimyo so maybe I can entice him to bring that over and give me a real taste of today's models. And perhaps Jadem6 can bring over his supercharged modified SCD-1.

Hearing the EMM, Zanden, DCS, Spectral, MBL, etc., would be nice, but until I drop these in my system, and then can't give up what they bring to the table, I am a happy camper.

I just got the CD duplicator system and already I love this thing for its improvements in dynamics, clarity and giving instruments and singers more presence without bringing on any fatigue. So it's like I just upgraded the Manley. 8-)

I just listen to the Accustic Arts gear for about an hour. The Stealth cable should arrive in 2 to 4 days.
The AA is better than it was last weekend and much better than it was in the very early stages. At this point I can honestly say that it does something better than my front end: the soundstage is bigger and 'bloomier.' At this point I'll state the usual disclaimer: I'm not using the CDSD in my front end.
I can also state that discs that sound extra harsh and aggressive are more listenable on the AA gear.
I still have a long list of things that I prefer with my front end but I won't say any more until I've changed cables.
Thanks for the tip on the Einstein. The positive things that I've personally read about it have mostly come from dealers so far but I will add it to my list.
I forgot to put this on my last post because of brain freeze, but I thought that Exlibris, might find it interesting that at the last Rocky Mountain Audio Show many people thought one of the best sounding systems was the one put together by Brian Ackerman of Artistic Audio. It used both Einstein pre and power amps along with a small pair of Acapella speakers and the digital front end was Accustic Arts with the Stealth Sextet cable. If you go to Audio Federation's website they have a picture posted with their opinion regarding the virtues of the system. So, this pre-amp might be what you are looking for to upgrade your system.
Exlibris, anything new to report regarding the sonics of the Accustic Arts gear at the present time. I'm assuming you have not yet gotten the Stealth Sextet balanced cable , but am curious if the pieces are changing the longer you break them in and if, still using the Acoustic Zen cable, you are finding them more pleasing or not? When do you expect to get the Sextet from Stealth? Hope its not a long wait for you.
Welcome to the thread and thanks for the tip on the balanced inputs. If I buy a Callisto I will keep this in mind when looking at DACs.
Have you ever compared your Manley DAC to some of the newer DACs that are being discussed in this thread?
I don't mean to hijack this DAC thread but I'd like to chime in on the Callisto and running balanced. When I switched to CAT amps, I had no choice but to change over to RCA ICs as these amps are single-ended only. And then when I got the Callisto, I continued with single-ended cables. I have not compared the Callisto driving amps with balanced vs. single-ended same-model ICs but the 10m Purist Dominus RCA cable works beautifully here.

However, the Callisto inputs are a totally different story at least with the companion Io phono stage. This pair absolutely MUST be run balanced or the soundstage is significantly diminshed. I don't care what any reviewer might write - with the same exact cable model, the single-ended cable takes away much of the magic of these two models as a full-function preamp. This was very clear when I tried Purist Dominus and Kubala-Sosna Emotion single-ended cables compared to the balanced NBS Statement. The less resolving and not as tonally coherent balanced NBS cable brought on a level of musicality here that these other single-ended cables did not. But when I put in a balanced Kubala-Sosna Emotion cable, all of the dimensionality returned plus a significant level of resolution over the NBS. A return to the single-ended Emotion cable and the soundstage collapsed. It was not subtle.

When I did the same test with the Manley Ref DAC into the Callisto, there was only a slight level change which made me conclude this DAC must not have truly balanced outputs. The single-ended Dominus and K-S Emotion from the DAC to the Callisto significantly bettered the balanced NBS in ever way. This made me conclude that the benefit of the balanced cable issue above was more due to the Io. But there was still a slight benefit with the balanced vs. single-ended Emotion cables from the DAC to the Callisto in the context of more air and space between the notes. Here I can only speculate that the Callisto goes through a different path to "up" the single-ended inputs to a balanced signal and this ultimately leads to a slight loss in resolution. So in the final analysis, balanced inputs to the Callisto is the way to go.

My amps sound quiet but boring with balanced connection. RCA sounds much better. I'm not sure about DAC to pre since my pre doesn't have balanced inputs.
Though the Callisto is balanced I think I would run it single-ended. In J. Valin's review he prefered in with RCAs.
The Epifania is single-ended only.
Fcrowder, I agree with you. Einstein Pre is very good and interesting preamp but, it is a fully balanced design. It can be used with single-ended amps and source gear as you pointed out in your system thread but, it will sound very best via balanced connection(as will all truly balanced gear). Point is what Exlibris needs? Balanced or single-ended pre?
If you get the opportunity, audition the Einstein preamp from Germany. It incorporates a number of innovations and is to my ear by far the best preamp which I have heard in my system. Based on my experience, I have sold my Blowtorch and ordered the Einstein.
Thank you for your suggestions.
I used the internal pre of the DCC2 for about 8 months. It is very good. I moved to the Hovland this summer. It is better than the the DCC2 pre but I knew then that it would be a transition piece. I'm considering the Aesthetix Callisto Signature and the Emotive Audio Epifania. I'd also like to hear the Shindo Vosne-Romanee in my system but that is not likely to happen. I tried a Jadis pre a couple years ago and didn't do much for me. I also tried the Manley 300B but it was a little too beautiful.
Exlibris, you can try Manley Wave as possible replacment for your Hovland HP200. Also, what about DCC2 without pre(use its internal pre)? Any downsides(I have never listen to DCC2 without pre)? Jadis is very #2 flavor sounding gear, try it if you can.
Otherwise I agree with Teajay.
My present tube preamp isn't flavour #2 enough for my taste. What I want to do is either tube roll or find a different preamp. Once I have the rest of the system in place I will then be in a better position to look into my source components. You're right, at that point a tubed DAC may turn out to be too much of a good thing.
By the way, I still have high hopes for the AA.
Exlibris, I find your hunch regarding the possibility that you might end up with a tubed DAC very intriguing. When I tried a couple in my system ( very high level Audio Note and Zanden) that they had a very nice midrange, a type #2 flavor, but lacked extension on both the top and bottom, not very good PRAT, and finally not detailed enough for my personnal taste. So, if you like very much your Meitner gear, and so far have not been that impressed with the AA combo, still want to hear your final judgement with the Sextet cable, I would be surprized if you would like the overall sonics of some of the highly regarded tube non-upsampling DACS. The reason I mainly replaced my Ensemble DAC was to get some more of that "analog quality" without losing clarity, precise images with air around the players, and deep extended bass and did not find that with the above mentioned tube DACS, but did with the Accustic Arts DAC in my system. A final thought, with your tube pre-amp the AA gear might be to much of a good thing, going to far into a type#2 flavor, imagine what might happen with a tube DAC pushing your system's overall sonic signature way to right in this category!
Excellent; thank you. I will always own a very good tube preamp because I view it as the heart of my system.
Exlibris, really tough one!
Answer is not a simple one... It will very much depend on the rest of the system. Example 1. Audio Aero Prestige is excellent choice(in #2 flavor group) if you do not have enough money for(or simply do not need) preamp. Add amp like Pass X350.5 or Plinius SA Reference and Anniversario's and you have almost a killer system. Example 2. In my system No.2 ARC REF CD7 sounds more emotionally involving then Weiss combo... But, in my system No.1 Weiss has edge over ARC REF CD7.
1.Weiss(second place in #1 group, first is Esoteric combo)
2.ARC REF CD7(first in #2 group, excellent value for price)
3.Audio Aero Prestige(second in #2 group, amazing value)
Here's a tough question:
If you were only allowed to have one digital frond end to play redbook CDs, which would it be:
Audio Aero
This weekend I auditioned MBL 1531 cd player in both of my systems. Unit was having around 600hours of playing so, break-in was not the issue... 1531 is good sounding #2 flavor player-good bass extension and definition, little bit forward lower midrange and almost sweet highs. But, in comparison with ARC REF CD7 things were not so good... CD7 has more authority, its bass is deeper and tighter(suprise!), midrange more organic and highs sweeter, yet extended. Very clearly CD7 was a winner over 1531. Weiss combo was simply in another league(honestly, I think CD7 is also). After that I called my friend and we brought MBL 1531 to his system(Krell Resolution1/FPB450Mcx/KCT) against Accustic Arts Player1MkII. It was more closer race but, again both of us clearly liked Accustic Arts Player1MkII better. MBL 1531 is good player(also excellent build quality) but, competitors like those mentioned above are better, IMHO.
My current single box #2 flavor favorites are Audio Aero Prestige SACD and Audio Research Reference CD7. For gear that is better than those two you need to spend at least $20K, IMO.
I've only heard the MBL digital gear in a couple of all-MBL systems. I must have liked them because I ended up buying the speakers. :-)

By the way, I did manage to get a Stealth cable to try with the AA. It should arrive before Friday. Breaking in this cable will delay my report on the AA gear.

I'm actually thinking of taking a new approach to my system-building. I'm going to experiment with preamps before making any decisions on digital.

I have two -gut feelings- at this time:
1. the EMM Labs is very likely to stand up to all challengers.
2. if I do change, I will go to a tubed DAC.
Just had a discussion with a fellow audiophile regarding his experience with the MBL1611E DAC, don't know what transport he was using, and he thought it was outstanding and one of the best DACS he has heard. I have never had the pleasure of listening to MBL gear in my own system, heard their speakers in show setups, so I was wondering if any of you GON members have? If so, could any one comment on the performance of the MBL DAC and what # sonic flavor it has to offer
I have sent an email to STEALTH in the hopes of securing a Vardig Sextet AES/EBU cable.

As it turns out, I will not be receiving a CDSD this month (maybe next month, or maybe not). I've been told that they will be showing a new version of the CDSD at CES(?)
Exlibis, because of the experience so far in your audition of the Acoustic Arts gear, it motivated me to run the following experiment this afternoon. I have a Acoustic Zen E=Mc2 with BNC connections that I used to use about three years ago with a different digital front end. So, I took out the Stealth Sextet and replaced with my old AZ cable and let it burn-in for a couple of hours before I sat down to listen. I immediately noticed the following: 1) A great loss of clarity and transparency. 2) A shrinking of the overall soundstage and severe loss of air around the players in the soundstage. 3) The overall sound signature was warm/smooth but a definite loss of details and dynamics. The Acoustic Arts gear not only sounded like a #2 with the AZ cable, but was pushed far to the pleasant/warm side of this flavor, but lost the "aliveness" that the pieces also have in their sonic signature when used with the right digital cable. When I went back to the Sextet, the balance between "musicality/liquidity" and clarity,details and dynamics returned to my system. So, I hope, since you went through the effort to set up your audition of the AA front end, that you will be able to get the right digital cable before you complete the process. My hunch now is, since I ran my little experiment, is that what you find lacking or unpleasant to a great degree is the limitation of the Acoustic Zen cable more so then the AA pieces.
I don't have a CDSD yet.
I'll see if I can borrow a good, broken-in, AES/EBU cable.
I won't report again until Friday Dec. 6 (the 300 hour mark).
Fcrowder, I am glad that you liked Esoteric UX-1 player and as Guido said X-01 is better... Also, Shunyata power cords are working excellent with Esoteric players, specially new Anaconda Helix Vx. But, IMO even better results are possible with Acrolink Mexcel cables, their power cord 7N-PC7100 is awsome(Esoteric sells Acrolink Mexcel in Japan).
Exlibris, I heard that very best sound of Accustic Arts combo is via AES/EBU connection(and a good one!) so, your setup unfortunately may have shortcoming... Alternative is BNC connection and give it at least 300hours before second critical listening session. Did you get CDSD?
Here is a short report from the 124 hour mark. The sound has opened up considerably.
It really does sound quite a bit different from the EMM/Philips combo. It is darker, softer, and each image is more closed in (soundstage dimensions are about equal, however). This may have to do with the level of break-in and/or the AZ cable. Some listeners may welcome the black background and the softer feel of the AA pieces. On bad CDs it is certainly less sibilant than the EMM/Philips. Personally, I like the vividness, immediacy, and breath of life that the EMM offers.
IMHO: Right now the AA sounds like a great stereo; the EMM sounds like real life (warts and all).
I don't really want to say more because, as you said, we really should give the AA stuff at least a week or two to break in. It may continue to improve to a level beyond that of the EMM stuff; who knows?
I have no plans to try and borrow or buy a different digital cable for the test so we are stuck with the AZ.
Rest assured that power cords and everything else in the system are exactly the same when going from player to player.
Instead of UX-1, Why not try the X-01 instead, which is optimized for audio with twice the DAC chips? You would not have experienced the residual brightness. I Agree about Shunyata Anaconda being an ideal match for UX-1/X-01. new Shunyata Python Helix even better than original Anaconda.
Over the weekend, our local audio group compared the following: Audiomat Reference DAC/CEC Transport ($9k/$2k), the Esoteric UX-01, the Exemplar modified Denon 3910, the Ayre 5 (?) and the Bel Canto Reference Player ($7500). (Prices are quoted strictly for identification purposes when I was unsure of the model.) The results were clearly along the lines suggested in this thread with the Audiomat, Bel Canto and Denon falling into the more liquid/emotional camp and the Esoteric and Ayre falling into the hyper detailed camp. All were sited on a Finite Element Pagode Reference stand and on Cerabases. A number of different power cords were tried. some units preferring one over the other. All units benefitted from the Cerabases, some more so than others. Of the hyper detailed group the Esoteric was significantly better than the Ayre which in comparison was bright, forward, grainy and generally hard to listen to for long periods. The Esoteric seemed much more natural tonally with excellent imaging and detail but was the slightest bit bright. Of the second group, the Denon was the clear winner offering substantial detail while retaining musicality. In comparison to the Esoteric the Denon was not quite as extended at the frequency extremes sounding just the slightest bit dark. The Bel canto was also good but not as neutral as the Denon. Given my particular priorities, I would probably choose the Denon over the Esoteric as it is an unit that you can listen to for extended periods without getting fatigued. I would like to hear the Esoteric with a Shunyada Anaconda power cord which is supposedly an idael match.
Exlibris, was thinking about how your auditioning process is goning regarding the Acoustic Arts gear. Last night a friend wanted me to bring over my AA DAC/Stealth Sextet cable to try in his system (Electrocompaniet ECI integrated amp, Electrocompaniet EMC UP CDP, Acoustic Zen wires, and MG-1.6's). We used the EMC UP 1 as the transport with the AA DAC, and we both agreed it sounded wonderful with this gear. The EMC CDP is still a very good sounding player, but my friend agreed it was not in the same league sonicly as the AA DAC. So, it's performance was very similiar in this system as it was in mine. True, we both use planar speakers, but very different electronics, so it somewhat rules out just some type of special synergy in my system regarding the sonics of the AA DAC. I'm still very curious about what's happening in your system, so let us know what's going on, as I'm sure you will.

The AZ MC-squared is a 110 ohm cable best suited for an AES/EBU digital interface. If you're using RCA and want to stay with Acoustic Zen, you should use the AZ Silver Byte digital cable, which is 75 ohms (or at least as close to 75ohms as an RCA cable can be...ideally, you'd use it with a BNC connector)...
Treemed67-Rajko, I have Esoteric DV50s almost one year now. I am enjoying it very much in my office system, it is good #1 flavor player. But, it is not the best RBCD playback for the money. Weiss combo and ARC REF CD7 are a lot better then DV50s with RBCDs! There are IMO only two players(universal) that are better then DV50s in $5-8K region. These are: Ayre C-5xe(universal stereo music player, NO DVD-V or without video section!) and Esoteric UX-3. Accustic Arts Surround Player is little bit to expensive($9K)... Esoteric UX-3 is better then DV50s in every respect so, if price is not the issue go for UX-3.
Esoteric gear benefites very much from after market power cords and all of them have very long break-in period(up to 1000h!!).
Exlibris, I audition Reimyo DAP-777 and Audio Aero Prestige SACD player is currently in my system. My findings are that ARC REF CD7 is better then both of them.
AA Prestige is very good and is sounding very best via its internal preamp but, ARC REF3 and ARC REF CD7 together are IMO a Lot better... More midrange magic, better bass(big suprise!) and more natural high frequency, to my ears.
Prestige is at $13K very good choice(internal preamp-a good one) but, its preamp section is not in the same league as ARC REF3 and even just as a players I like ARC REF CD7 more. Prestige player is also not very user friendly... I did not audition Zanden in my system( just at hifi shows) and Kondo KSL-DAC is very interesting dac...
Audio Note(UK) gear do not interest me. Need to audition Accustic Arts combo that you are currently break-in in your system.
Exlibris, your experience so far is very similiar to what I heard, but I would describe it as being "closed in" before the DAC blossomed into giving its best performance. I used to use the Acoustic Zen cable and found it to be smooth and warm, but not giving great details or "air" around the players in a smaller sound stage. Its a good cable at its price range, but could some what get in the way of the performance of the AA gear. When I got my AA DAC I had a fully broke in transport and digital cable (Ensemble,Artistic Arts) which might have lead to a more positive experience in the first 40 hours, less fog as you would say, then your getting right now. Well, thanks for getting back on whats going on right now, and I expect that what you hear well be much more pleasing as time goes on with your home audition. The Acoustic Zen cable is good enough to let you know, after the needed burn in, if the sonics of the AA will float your sonic boat.
I'm using the Acoustic Zen MC-squared digital cable with RCA connector. I know it isn't the best. I do, however, like it better than the Cardas digital cable that I'm using on my EMM gear (surprisingly, I'm not a fan of EMM's ST Glass cable in my set-up).
The AZ cable, the AA transport, and the AA DAC now have 53 hours on them.
I really think the combination could use a lot more break-in time. Right now the music is struggling to emerge from a dense fog.