Reel to reel deck directly to power amp ?

Thinking about my totally new future system. The main source is going to be reel to reel deck, most likely Otari two track, possibly Studer A810. I will keep the turntable and run the phono thru deck. So I will need only one input, decks have volume control and preamp. I don't think I will need separate preamp. Do you ?
Power amps could be both transistor and tube, maybe even hybrids - Lamm, as an example, would very much depend on speakers. Don't know what speakers, could be as different as Harbeth and Kharma.

Showing 1 response by brayeagle

Agree with orpheus10.

Unless your tape deck has a way to control output, it will feed a fixed level to the amplifier - - leaving you with no control of speaker volume.