Recos for entry level Bookshelf speaker $400-750 for 21yo nieces first system?

Looking for recommendations for a bookshelf speaker for a system I am buying my 21 yr old niece in DC. Will be used for all kinds of music, much from IPhone via Bluetooth or from Mac. Speaker should work on a shelf or tv stand so port forward or be closed. Amp will be NAD D3020 or similar small form of 30-40 w RMS.  Not necessarily audiophile but good musical sound. Have read about PBS, Elac, others. I live in HI so can't hear any of these. I appreciate any and all responses.

Don't even think about passive speakers in that price range. The best you can do is a pair of JBL LSR305 + a Bluetooth DAC. Much much better sound for the money. Incredible dynamics that most 10k speakers can't reach. 
How about something really simple like the new Oppo Sonica Grand

No need for a separate receiver. Can be easily toted. Granted, I have no idea how it sounds, but it should be pretty good.

Amazon is selling the KEF X300A (which includes  a DAC + 2 amps for each speaker) for $599.98. It is pretty good for the desktop. I have had the KEF LS50 on the same desktop and that was definitely better but the cost of that system was close to $5000.

I bought the X300A and I am quite happy with the sound, especially for the price I paid.

BTW - There will be a new KEF ACTIVE LS50 available in Dec 2016 for $2200