Recommended SET amp and speakers to 20k

Hello:  I am in the market for a SET amp, 2A3, 300b or 845, i haven’t decided yet and speakers to complement them.  My budget is 20k for both, used is fine.  If anyone has some recommendations/comments that would be very helpful.  Thanks,  Bruce

Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

Dragon Inspire QMB-25 mono amps (made by Dennis Had) cost around 4 grand a pair new, and add whatever model of high efficiency Klipsch Heritage speakers you prefer as lately a few have been redisigned...Heresy IV, Forte III, and Cornwall IV (102db efficiency for that one). I use a little single ended allegedly wide band 12wpc Had amp with Heresy IIIs and it’s all the amp I need...except for the two powered REL subs. No audible distortion ever and it’s clean clear and powerful.