Recommended SET amp and speakers to 20k

Hello:  I am in the market for a SET amp, 2A3, 300b or 845, i haven’t decided yet and speakers to complement them.  My budget is 20k for both, used is fine.  If anyone has some recommendations/comments that would be very helpful.  Thanks,  Bruce

Showing 5 responses by charles1dad


I understood your post. When you come across a truly superb audio component it does leave an indelible impression. I was coming from a relative value/performance perspective. How close could the less expensive amp/speaker combo come (sound quality) to the Luxman MQ-300/Devore pairing.


essrand and wolf_garcia are both adamant (even passionate) in regard to their respective amplifier and speakers recommendation.  I don't doubt either of them. It would really be fun and insightful to compare these two pairings head to head. 

The Dennis Had SEP amplifier and a Klipsch speaker combo is probably less than half the cost of the Luxman MQ 300 and Devore Orangutans 96 . Would be quite interesting to see what margin of performance gap exist between (assuming  there is one).them.


I find forum threads  to be a good starting point. You get replies from people who have owned or heard products that someone is not aware of. I don't expect anyone to go  blindly  follow multitudes of suggestions  (how could they?). But one can begin to assemble information and gather data and then begin a search with some sense of direction.

If the OP does not have much exposure to SET amplifiers you have to ask questions and start somewhere. This would be followed by going out and trying to hear as much as is reasonably possible. There's so much available you will never be able to hear everything. You just do the best you can manage.



I know someone who had the Frankenstein amps and  Zu Definition IV pairing and he was very happy.


I've heard good things about Charney speakers. Have you ever listened to the Odeon Audio speakers from Germany?


I agree with previous posts that suggest the possibilities are nearly endless. Some would view the world of SET amps as a small niche, in an overall context of High End Audio that/s probably true. However within that special niche it is really something as to the number of SET choices available and many of them good!

Just within the 300b SET group there are multiple choices that span a broad price range. You still have 2A3, 845, 211,PX25 choices aplenty. Then you move on to speakers and there are again numerous choices. Granted that most of these speakers are from small/cottage type of brands but of very good quality. And again covering a wide price spectrum.

Here is  one (of many possibilities) example.

Coincident Frankenstein MK III 300b SET mono blocks (I own the older MK II version) ) paired with the superb Cube Audio Nenuphar with single 10 inch driver. Or the same simplifier paired with the lower cost (but highly regarded) Coherent Audio coaxial 2 way with choice of 10, 12 or 15 inch woofer (depends on room size).

Either of these speakers could be driven easily with a 3 watt 2A3 SET if desired. I could go on and on with other combos. Bottom line is there are many,many options available. 845 SETs open up other possibilities.
