Recommended Hi end dealer

Looking for recommendations on a high end dealer. I am in the market for a pair of speakers. Budget is an excessive $70k but i did a deal with the wife and have had some lucky breaks. Had been looking at the Von Schweikert VR9 but I wont pay the full price thats wanted for them. At this time I'm starting the process over. Looking for folks recommendations on dealers whom have been good to work with.

thx Rumney
Call Bob Hodas, his custom Meyersound X-10 towers will make the VR9's sound old fashion in comparison and the $25K you have left over from your 70K budget, you can have Bob (a top acousitcal engineer) design a room around the speakers. A complete audio solution for your money.

I was shocked when I heard them versus the Avalon's Osiris, and it was really an eye opener for what a 2 way speaker can do.

510-six49-9254, he's in Berkeley CA and travels the country . A great guy, add a DOT COM to his name for his website.
Jtinn has made several good deals to a member of my audio group and he is a Von Schweikert dealer.

To locate him, go to Audiogon home page. Under the column marked LEARN is the option for MEMBER LOOKUP. Click on member lookup and when the page opens, type in Jtinn.

You can send him an email or look over the ads he has running here at Audiogon.
Darrin at Audio Limits in COL.Give him a call # 719-633-5676
The very best!
If you're interested in the amazing Peak Consults, I know someone who might be able to help you. Just email me if that's the case.
I really recommend Casey at Ne Plus Altra in Austin, TX. Great guy who really knows audio. Deals in Wilson, Sonus Faber, Avantgarde, Wilson Benesch, DCS, etc.
I highly recommend Don Better at Don Better Audio in Cleveland. Professional jazz/classical guitarist, and one of the nicest, most honest, sincere people I've met. Doesn't carry VS but has Verity, Devore, and some others plus outstanding electronics from dcs, reimyo, wavelength, and shindo. Go to
Evan Trent of Symphony Sound in Chicago. I think he may be out of town for a week or two (overseas). But he is extremely knowledgeable and professional. You can email hime at:

Tell him George Ajazi asked you to contact him.

I live in Denver CO,

With out specifications it is hard to sugust a dealer.

But there are three here I would sugust.

Listenup which carries B&W, SonusFaber, Dynaudio. Contact Lew Black.

Unlimited Audio carries Avalon, JMlabs. Contact John Barns.

Cherry Creek Audio Wilson, and others. No contact.

In San Jose California Jeff @ audible arts is a dream come true. I had trouble trusting dealers prior to him but he gets all kinds of products in to try and picks the ones he likes. He is a big VS guy, a tube guy (but not limited to), and every time I do things on my own I end up realizing he is right about the setups he picks. Very rare to find someone that is so unbiased. I've literally paid full price instead of used just to help support him becuase of the guidance he's given me that in invaluable.

I second the recommendation of Jtinn! If there's one thing that Jtinn does well, it's finding something that will to maximize your budget! Okay fine, that's a lie. I meant over your budget :D
Jtinn asked full MSRP for the VR9 which is too much. So I'm moving in other directions.
Your budget is amazing, you are double blessed to have such an understanding wife. There is a dealer in the PA area who does mail order as well. He is a dealer for Von Schweikert. Stephen Monte of Quest for Sound. He is a really nice and easy guy to deal with. Even is you should decide to go with another dealer, give Stephen a call, he will not steer you wrong and can give you alot of insight and information. Lot of fun to talk too. You may see his ads on Audiogon. I purchased my VSA VR4JR's from there. With Quest you may well have enough funds left over to take that wife of yours on a nice vacation as well.
Greetings from we are a new dealer located five min. outside of Manhatten. We have a setup with the Dali Megaline's and a outboard subwoofer which is mind blowing, and will outperform most setups including the Big JM Labs and Wilsons.

If you want to get off the merry go around and get amazing sound for the right money.
I would second John Barnes of Audio Unlimited in Denver.

They world premiered the Avalon ISIS speakers at RockyMtn Audiofest last October. Very knowledgeable and easy to work with. A nice guy.