Recommendations please!

So I am flirting with getting a new (at least to me) preamp.  I currently run an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A with the MC phono boards.  It's a great preamp that I have been using for maybe ten years, and heartily recommend it to others.  I have thoroughly enjoyed it -- except for the lack of remote.  I am getting to find it tedious to get up to mute it or adjust volume every time I need to do so.  And at ten years of use, it's about the oldest piece in my system, so a change just for the heck of it wouldn't be unwelcome.

I need plenty of inputs (Phono, DAC, CDP, tuner, a couple of aux (for more phono!), and would like both phono section and balance control/dual mono (the Mod 3A is dual mono).  Obviously, a remote.  Amp is a recently upgraded MacCormack DNA-1.  I want something that will sound at least as good as what I have now.  Used is possible, but I'm not interested in vintage this time around.  I like, but don't necessarily require, tubes.  No need for balanced inputs.


Budget?  Let's keep it under $3K USD -- preferably WELL under.


Tall order, right?  That's why I've kept the AI Mod3A so long . . . 




Showing 4 responses by soix

What improvements would you like to have over the AI (besides a remote), and what performance characteristics are most important to you?

Also, you’re greatly limiting your choices by requiring an truly good onboard phono stage, so unless you’re extremely space constrained I’d recommend considering a separate phono pre to significantly expand your options. 

Another option would be to add a transparent remote volume control on the cheap like this, which uses high-quality Vishay resistors in its stepped volume control…

@nymarty I sent my DNA 0.5 Rev A to SMcAudio for the GT22 upgrade (no added options), which is the full rebuild plus the Gravity Base Jr. and should be getting it back very soon, and if you’d like I can relay my thoughts.  My 0.5 died due to what was likely the dreaded input board failure that you probably know is fatal and can’t be repaired.  My decision was to spend $2500 on the upgrade or possibly go with one of the new GaN amps that are getting great reviews.  It was a very hard decision, but in the end I knew I really loved the sound of my amp so making it a lot better seemed like more of a sure thing versus going with a relative unknown and a relatively new technology, plus the GaN amps I was looking at were considerably more expensive than the SMcUpgrade (AGD Tempo di GaN, Atma-Sphere Class D) so all things considered I went with the bird in the hand and here we are. 

@nymarty Will do.  Your DNA-1 would be $2800 for the same upgrade and $3500 if you choose the full Gravity base instead of the Jr. version, so your guess was right in the ballpark.